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Mathieu O'Neil

Library: Mathieu O'Neil

«Rebels for the System? Virus writers, general intellect, cyberpunk and criminal capitalism»[Abstract] 55.55Kb (0) 6352 hits

Mathieu is a Graduate of the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Fontenay / St-Cloud. Before joining the ACSPRI Centre for Social Research in 2005, Mathieu was Visiting Fellow at the Australian National University’s Centre for New Media Arts. He previously lectured in American Studies at the Université Stendhal - Grenoble 3, and has also worked as a magazine editor and designer and cultural events coordinator.

Mathieu's research addresses the impact Information and Communication Technology is having on the production and reproduction of power within social groups. He initially worked on idiosyncratic personal media networks such as underground print publications (or "zines") and, at a later stage, online personal journals or "weblogs". Mathieu’s work at ACSR since 2005 represents a continuation and expansion of this concern with questions of agency, culture and power in online communities, with a particular focus on personal media, countercultural and social movement fields.
